Flower Photography Workshop

WorkshopFlower Photography Workshop
Difficulty levelIntermediate
Duration3 hours
Group size6 students max.

If you enjoy creating and capturing beautiful still life compositions with flowers, this workshop is perfect for you.

In this interactive workshop, you will have the opportunity to set up different floral still life arrangements while learning various lighting techniques. Your teacher will guide you in taking the perfect shot, teaching you about ambient light, low light, and even flash photography. You will also learn about composition—what will make your still life photography truly stand out. You will learn all of this and more!

We will provide various props and tools for you to create your own floral still life arrangements to photograph.

Workshop Highlights:
- Hands-on experience setting up various flower and still life arrangements
- Lighting techniques for flower photography, including ambient light, low light, and flash (strobes) photography
- Guidance on setting up beautiful backgrounds and props
- Tips on camera positioning and lens selection for capturing flowers
- Personalized feedback and advice from an experienced photographer
- Opportunities to learn and practice composition techniques to make your flower photography stand out

Whether you're a beginner looking to enhance your skills or an experienced photographer seeking to refine your technique, this workshop will help you master the art of flower photography.

Pre-requisite: Photography I* or clear understanding of Manual Mode.

From 6 p.m. until 9 p.m.